一招解锁Bard Gemini Pro完美支持中文

Summary of the content

The Gemini Pro AI model, previously thought to support only English conversations, can be unlocked for Chinese interactions. This tutorial guides you through the steps to achieve this.

00:00:00 - 00:02:33

Introduction to Gemini's capabilities and its official support for Google's Bard platform. Watch the segment

00:02:33 - 00:04:53

Dispelling the misconception about Gemini's language limitation. Watch the segment

00:04:53 - 00:07:37

Demonstration of the method to unlock Gemini's Chinese restriction by changing Google account language. Watch the segment

00:07:37 - 00:09:17

Detailed steps to modify the Google account language and access Gemini through Bard. Watch the segment

00:09:17 - 00:11:39

Explanation of how Bard accepts Chinese requests, translates them into English, and processes them with the Gemini model. Watch the segment

00:11:39 - 00:16:23

Successful unlocking of Gemini for Chinese language and invitation for feedback and further discussion. Watch the segment

00:16:23 - 00:18:33

Encouragement to engage in the community and visit the official website for more information. Watch the segment

00:18:33 - 00:20:33

Closing remarks, thanking viewers for their support, and inviting them to like, comment, and subscribe. Watch the segment

This is a summary generated by AI, and there may be inaccuracies.