Create optical illusion with AI - Stable Diffusion squint images or hidden text

Summary of the content

The video titled "Create optical illusion with AI - Stable Diffusion squint images or hidden text" demonstrates how to use AI, specifically Stable Diffusion, to create optical illusions in images.

00:00:00 - 00:00:09

The video starts with an introduction to optical illusions using AI. Watch the segment

00:00:09 - 00:00:17

The narrator explains how these illusions appear as detailed scenery up close but transform into geometric patterns from a distance. Watch the segment

00:00:17 - 00:00:25

Various examples of optical illusions are showcased, including a checkerboard pattern portrait and a cityscape. Watch the segment

00:00:26 - 00:00:34

A checkerboard pattern is used to create a portrait of a girl. Watch the segment

00:00:34 - 00:00:41

Another checkerboard pattern is used to create an illusion of a city. Watch the segment

00:00:41 - 00:00:48

A famous painting, "Girl with Pearl Earring," is hidden within an image when viewed from a distance. Watch the segment

00:00:48 - 00:00:54

A spiral city illusion is presented. Watch the segment

00:00:54 - 00:01:01

A subtle spiral is incorporated into a portrait of a girl. Watch the segment

00:01:01 - 00:01:07

These optical illusions are created using Stable Diffusion AI. Watch the segment

00:01:07 - 00:01:13

Stable Diffusion is the exclusive AI for creating these illusions, not available in other AI art services. Watch the segment

00:01:13 - 00:01:19

The narrator promises to provide a tutorial on how to create these illusions with Stable Diffusion. Watch the segment

00:01:19 - 00:01:27

Instructions for getting started with Stable Diffusion are given, including a link to register for a free trial. Watch the segment

00:01:27 - 00:01:36

Details on the registration process and pricing are explained. Watch the segment

00:01:36 - 00:01:44

Starting up Stable Diffusion and accessing the web interface are discussed. Watch the segment

00:01:44 - 00:01:52

Navigating the Stable Diffusion web interface is explained, focusing on key areas. Watch the segment

00:01:52 - 00:02:00

Selecting a model and writing a text prompt are demonstrated. Watch the segment

Note: Due to character limitations, only the first 15 segments have been summarized. You can find more details in the video.

This is a summary generated by AI, and there may be inaccuracies.