♊⛄GEMINI TAROT & ORACLE MESSAGES; TUESDAY DECEMBER 20, 2022⛄ -TheLynxTarot -Tarot -Shorts -Trending

##Summary of the content TheLynxTarot presents Gemini Tarot & Oracle Messages for Tuesday, December 20, 2022.

###00:00:00 - 00:07:25 Exciting plans are in the works, knowing what you want. Watch the segment

###00:05:57 - 00:14:40 Creative ideas for travel with someone else. Watch the segment

###00:12:59 - 00:20:59 Ready for the journey, considering moving to a place that feels like home. Watch the segment

###00:16:60 - 00:24:00 Some may be moving to a place that feels like home. Watch the segment

This is a summary generated by AI, and there may be inaccuracies.