谷歌 Google Gemini 超燃发布,实力完胜GPT-4,官方影片实战演示,性能完全碾压其他AI,堪称全球顶尖,放弃GPT4,Google Gemini是你的不二之选!

Summary of the content

The Google Gemini release surpasses GPT-4, demonstrated in official videos. Gemini excels in AI performance, outclassing others globally. This article delves into various segments of the video.

00:00:04 - 00:01:31

Brief introduction to Gemini Pro, Ultra, and Nano. Gemini's integration into Google Bard and AI Studio. Launch date: December 13th. Watch the segment

00:01:32 - 00:02:34

Demonstration of image and text generation, spatial reasoning. AI interprets drawings of waves, birds, and identifies objects. Watch the segment

00:02:35 - 00:03:25

AI's material recognition and language learning abilities demonstrated. Guessing games with hints about countries. Watch the segment

00:03:26 - 00:04:25

Entertainment with games: rock-paper-scissors, animal recognition, and magic tricks. AI showcases understanding and interaction. Watch the segment

00:04:26 - 00:05:32

Creative tasks with yarn balls. AI suggests making a dragon fruit or a cake with a pink heart. Animal shapes are proposed. Watch the segment

00:05:33 - 00:06:28

Decision-making scenario for a duck's safe path. AI advises the left path with fellow ducks for safety. Watch the segment

00:06:29 - 00:07:21

Ordering planets in the solar system. AI corrects the sequence and explains aerodynamics in choosing between two cars. Watch the segment

00:07:22 - 00:08:10

Transformation of a regular guitar into an electric guitar. AI predicts a performance of classic bullet-dodging scene from hacker movies. Watch the segment

00:08:11 - 00:08:59

Observation of a jumping cat and AI's prediction. AI acknowledges an error and assures the cat's natural athleticism. Watch the segment

00:09:00 - 00:09:40

Conclusion on Gemini's powerful capabilities shown in the demos. Encourages trying out the Pro version. Excitement for the potential of Gemini Ultra. Watch the segment

This is a summary generated by AI, and there may be inaccuracies.