I made a YouTube Video using ChatGPT - ChatGPT-4 Prompts - Sunny Gala

Summary of the content

The video "I made a YouTube Video using ChatGPT | ChatGPT-4 Prompts | Sunny Gala" explores the use of ChatGPT-4 prompts for YouTube success. It delves into various aspects of GPT-4 prompts.

00:00:00 - 00:02:30

Introduction to the video and its purpose Watch the segment

00:02:30 - 00:05:45

Explanation of ChatGPT-4 features and capabilities Watch the segment

00:05:45 - 00:09:15

Demonstration of generating YouTube video ideas Watch the segment

00:09:15 - 00:13:00

Using ChatGPT-4 for content planning and scripting Watch the segment

00:13:00 - 00:16:30

Exploring audience engagement strategies with GPT-4 prompts Watch the segment

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