Summary of the content

The video titled "🛑TUTORIAL MEMBUAT GAMBAR ILUSI - HUGGING FACE ILLUSION DIFFUSION ‼️" provides a tutorial on creating illusory images of objects using the Hugging Face Illusion Diffusion technique. The video covers the entire process, from uploading a photo to generating the illusion, and it emphasizes that the tool is free and can be used multiple times.

00:05:20 - 00:13:44

In this segment, the video introduces the Hugging Face Illusion Diffusion website and explains how to upload a photo for creating an illusion object. Watch the segment

00:13:44 - 00:21:12

The video demonstrates adjusting the illusion strength and the text prompts in English for generating the illusion. Watch the segment

00:21:12 - 00:28:40

This part shows the process of running the illusion generation and waiting for the results. Patience is emphasized during this stage. Watch the segment

00:28:40 - 00:35:56

The video discusses the output results and how it creates an illusion from the uploaded photo, showcasing the final image. Watch the segment

00:35:56 - 00:43:20

In this segment, the video encourages users to try the tool with different photos and text prompts for customization. Watch the segment

00:43:20 - 00:47:44

The video wraps up the tutorial, highlighting the versatility and fun of creating illusion objects using the Hugging Face technique. Watch the segment

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